Bonus! “Midnight Romance” Published!

Bonus! “Midnight Romance” Published!

For those of you who are involved in the school year, happy end of the year and beginning of summer, everyone!

In honor of the holiday, I’ve released a new interactive story called “Midnight Romance” available here.   It tells the story of a young man who is setting off into a fantasy world and encounters two mysterious men that he must decide between. I haven’t found any bugs yet, but if you find any please leave a comment on the page. If you like the story, please also leave a comment on the page.

I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for playing! And for those of you students and professors and parents, enjoy the summer!


What are the Video Games?

What are the Video Games?

Hi everyone! I’ve gotten some questions about the video games and decided to clarify what they are for everyone who hasn’t tried them yet. If you’ve ever read a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story, it’s a lot like that. Each story features a main plot that you navigate by making choices that affect the final outcome of the story.

Currently there are two video games, now known as Interactive Stories, Sweet Seduction and Desire. I’ve changed the wording from video games to Interactive Stories to clarify future confusion and more accurately portray what the games are like.

If you haven’t played them yet, please give them a try! Both games are yaoi romances, NSFW with the right choices, and fun to play. Feel free to leave comments for either games on their respective pages!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! New Interactive Story Released!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! New Interactive Story Released!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!

In honor of the holiday, I’ve released a new interactive story called “Desire” available here.  It tells the story of a male college student who meets his potential soul mate and the journey towards becoming boyfriends. Of course, you have plenty of options to sabotage the relationship as well (it is interactive). I haven’t found any bugs yet, but if you find any please leave a comment on the page. If you like the story, please also leave a comment on the page.

I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for playing!
