Demon Season Chapter 21 Published

Demon Season Chapter 21 Published

Sunday, December 9th Update

m/m yaoi urban fantasy
m/m urban fantasy

In this nsfw chapter, Taylor recovers from the attack with Gabriel and Natalie at his side but when Gabriel’s hunger grows too great, he enters the demon’s dreamworld to feed him. As the two share an intimate moment, Taylor faces his desire for more and his fears of intimacy. How far is he willing to go with his demon, and how much does Gabriel want?

Taylor just wanted to bond with an ordinary demon during his first demon season. Instead, he finds himself bonded to the Prince of Demons, an incubus whose taste for pleasure forces Taylor to confront uncomfortable memories and face his fears of intimacy.

Now, Taylor finds himself falling in love even while danger begins to swirl around the Demon Prince. Enemies from the Prince’s past and present seek to destroy him, and Taylor discovers that he is in the crosshairs in a battle he hardly understands and is unable to fight. Will his love for his demon remain true, or will the danger snap the fragile bond between them?

romance space opera
m/m m/f epic space opera

Eternal War continues the stories of Damien, Sabine, Mat, and Adrian as they separate to return to their home nations and return to their status of enemies. But given the events they have experienced, can they ever truly consider each other enemies again?

Sagent Chapter 29 Published

Sagent Chapter 29 Published

Friday, December 7th

dystopian science fiction
m/m science fiction

In this quiet chapter, Gabriel and Mei get to know each other as Gabriel describes Destiny, his home. Mei reveals a way to look at the home he’ll never see again and he reflects on the choices that he has made to get him to this point, and the devastating consequences of his actions on his life and that of his family. As he considers his choices, he wonders how much guilt he should feel over what has happened because of him. Does he regret his actions now that he understands the consequences?

Gabriel grew up in Destiny, the orbiting city protected from the microbes that destroyed life on Earth. He has lived as a slave to the microbes, but when a mission into the underbelly of human society goes awry, he finds himself given a chance for freedom he never thought possible. Will he take it?

Coming Next Sunday

m/m yaoi urban fantasy
m/m urban fantasy

Taylor just wanted to bond with an ordinary demon during his first demon season, but he ends up with the Prince of Demons: an incubus. But his dark past slows his initial bonding with his demon and dangers from the demon’s past threaten their safety in the present. Will their love succeed, or will the demon hunters and shadowed memories prevail?

A Vampire’s Desire Chapter 11 Published

A Vampire’s Desire Chapter 11 Published

Tuesday, December 4th

A Vampire's Desire
m/m urban fantasy

In this chapter, Kairos is frustrated by his relationship with Adze and needs some time to cool down. But he knows nothing of vampire cities and doesn’t know where to go. After deciding on taking a walk in the park in the center of the city, he finally has a chance to start sorting out his feelings for his vampire master. But his choice of location proves ill-fated as he is confronted by two men who seem human but have vampiric abilities. When they attack, Kairos doesn’t know how to defend himself. Are they human or not, and how badly will they hurt him?

A Vampire’s Desire is available to Platinum members of the site. Log in or update your membership today!

As a young man begins work for an ancient vampire house, he discovers that vampires aren’t just fearsome, they’re quite attractive… especially his new master. Will he survive the centuries-old conflict he has fallen into, and will his master ever return his love?

dystopian science fiction
m/m science fiction

Gabriel grew up in Destiny, the orbiting city protected from the microbes that destroyed life on Earth. He has lived as a slave to the microbes, but when a mission into the underbelly of human society goes awry, he finds himself given a chance for freedom he never thought possible. Will he take it?

Dragon Tamer Chapter 11 Published

Dragon Tamer Chapter 11 Published

Sunday, December 2nd

m/m urban fantasy
m/m urban fantasy

In this chapter, Luke and Eric are finally reunited. After some maneuvering, they manage to get some time to themselves and Eric is decided to have his way. But as they two of them get closer, Luke surprises him with his passion and unexpectedly forward actions. How far is Luke willing to go, and will Eric allow it?

Luke has heard dragons all his life and when a dragon summoned him to raise her dragonlings, he ran away to help her. But the world he enters is fraught with danger and his access is limited. He raises his dragonlings and knows little of the outside world or his role in it. As the dragons begin dying off and dragon tamers like him become scarce, a rival tribe kidnaps him and everything he knows is thrown into question. Will he adapt to this new world, and who can he trust to help him?

m/m urban fantasy

As a young man begins work for an ancient vampire house, he discovers that vampires aren’t just fearsome, they’re quite attractive… especially his new master. Will he survive the centuries-old conflict he has fallen into, and will his master ever return his love?

Eternal War Chapter 25 Published

Eternal War Chapter 25 Published

Friday, November 30th Update

romance space opera
m/m m/f space opera

In this chapter, Mat relaxes with two of his captains, but he can’t escape his worries about Damien. As he speaks with his captains, he discovers some of the secrets that Damien has been keeping and is forced to admit that perhaps the relationship between Damien and Sabine isn’t as strong as he would like. As they speculate over the cause of the division, Mat wonders if Sabine’s betrayal will impact her relationship with him.

Eternal War: Book Three of the Eternity Series

Set in a complex and sprawling universe, the Eternity Series follows several key military and political leaders as they navigate the Second Galactic War from its accidental beginning to the stunning conclusion that will radically alter life throughout the galaxy.

In Eternal War, the four allies return to their home nations and return to their status of enemies. As Sabine moves away from the others and becomes obsessed with reestablishing her own nation, Damien becomes isolated in Lohen and faces increasing difficulties in his home nation. Only Mat and Adrian seem to be able to straddle the line between friend and enemy as they struggle to keep Sabine and Damien from drifting too far apart. But will they be able to keep Damien and Sabine from worsening the Second Galactic War?

Coming Next Sunday

m/m urban fantasy
m/m urban fantasy

After a troubled youth, Luke has come to terms with his role as the dragon tamer of his clan. But when a rival clan kidnaps him, Luke learns that he has been misled about his life and his purpose. Will he adapt to his new reality, or will he return to the safety of the past?