Tarragon World Chapter 6 Published

Tarragon World Chapter 6 Published

Sunday, May 13th Update

yaoi fantasy
m/m urban fantasy
In this chapter, Chris tries to figure out what happened to Jamie and Scott, but only the council seems to know anything and he has almost no contact with them after being removed. When Margot shows up and offers to help him be reinstated on the council, he realizes that the price he’ll have to pay is less than he thought and opens a path to Derek as well.

The Tarragon Series is a yaoi fantasy series about two young men struggling to find their place in a world where ancient ritual and modern technology collide and dragons have been spotted in the shadows of the mountain behind the football field.

In Tarragon World, Jamie and Scott are on the run from a deadly threat, but their only safety lies with the Elder and their enemies. As they struggle to unite the two campuses against the new threat, they worry that accepting the Elder’s help will lead to further death after the current threat is destroyed. All across the world, Tarragon society seems to be headed into civil war and risks exposure to the outside world. Will Jamie and Scott maintain control, or will the endless chaos finally topple their society and create a new world order?

Coming Next Tuesday

romance space opera
m/f space opera
This episodic novella explores the major events and relationships in Nami’s life as she learns to trust no one. But one man seems to remain true to her and she opens her heart to King Bertran. Will he be true to his word, or will she end up another casualty of the new galactic war?
Tarragon Desires Published!

Tarragon Desires Published!

At long last, Tarragon Desires has been published! Find it on Amazon today!

In Tarragon Desires, the Elder has firmly established himself in the new campus and life has settled into a new kind of normal, but just under the surface emotions are seething and revenge is being planned in any number of hidden corners.

As Jamie and Derek try to keep their respective campuses under control and avoid a war between them, they increasingly begin to find themselves divided when they should be united, and only Scott and a few select individuals have the chance to unite the two Queens again. Will the Queens be united and Tarragon society preserved, or will their differences be too great to overcome? Find out in Tarragon Desires.

Exciting Updates!

Exciting Updates!

Today we have three very exciting updates, so please read on! I’ll be posting when we have several updates or a very big update (probably once a week). If you want more immediate news, you can go to Updates under Home on the front page and get the news as it happens! Alternatively, you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

January 18th Update

Tarragon Academy (Book 1 of the Tarragon Series) has been published on Amazon! The novel is for sale for $.99 and everyone is encouraged to leave comments. The overall plan is to publish the completed books as I work on book 5, Tarragon Desires, and book 6 (yet to be named), which will close out the series as I have it planned… though as to where it goes from there, who knows?

January 21st Update

Prisoner of Love has been published on Amazon! The novel is for sale for $.99 and everyone is encouraged to leave comments. This was a special members-only novel written in honor of the summer that is now available to everyone. It is one of my favorites and one of the first that I wanted to publish because of its blend of steaminess and action. I hope you enjoy it!

January 23rd Update

Tarragon Dreams (Book 2 of the Tarragon Series) has been published on Amazon! The novel is for sale for $.99 and everyone is encouraged to leave comments. This novel introduces a few new characters and broadens the scope of the series. Make sure to read Tarragon Academy first!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the books! Leave comments on Amazon, if you can! And have a wonderful week!
