Sagent Chapter 21 Published

Sagent Chapter 21 Published

Friday, August 17th

m/m science fiction

In this chapter, the history and culture of the Drops are explored as Gabriel learns the practical business of living here. He has much to learn and has trouble with even the basics, but before he faces punishment, he discovers something unexpected about the Drops that changes his entire perception of Earth’s history.

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Gabriel grew up in Destiny, the orbiting city protected from the microbes that destroyed life on Earth. He has lived as a slave to the microbes, but when a mission into the underbelly of human society goes awry, he finds himself given a chance for freedom he never thought possible. Will he take it?

Coming Next Sunday

m/m urban fantasy

Taylor just wanted to bond with an ordinary demon during his first demon season, but he ends up with the Prince of Demons: an incubus. But his dark past slows his initial bonding with his demon and dangers from the demon’s past threaten their safety in the present. Will their love succeed, or will the demon hunters and shadowed memories prevail?

Sagent Chapter 20 Published

Sagent Chapter 20 Published

Friday, August 3rd

m/m science fiction

In this chapter, Gabriel learns about his role within the yakuza and the bond that he, Sora, and Zada share. He finds himself missing Destiny as he learns more about his new fate, but when Lee begins going over his costs, he realizes that the flexibility with the yakuza might be tested. As his costs are computed, his future employment and the likelihood that he will run away again hangs in the balance.

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Gabriel grew up in Destiny, the orbiting city protected from the microbes that destroyed life on Earth. He has lived as a slave to the microbes, but when a mission into the underbelly of human society goes awry, he finds himself given a chance for freedom he never thought possible. Will he take it?

Coming Next Sunday

m/m urban fantasy

Read the final novel in the Tarragon Series, a yaoi fantasy series about two young men struggling to find their place in a world where ancient ritual and modern technology collide and dragons have been spotted in the shadows of the mountain behind the football field.

Tarragon World Chapter 7 Published

Tarragon World Chapter 7 Published

Sunday, May 27th Update

yaoi fantasy
m/m urban fantasy

In this chapter, Jamie searches for a place to protect his family and ends up uncovering a new tribe who gives him insights that completely shatter his perception of the world and his own history. Will Jamie be able to accept their offered knowledge, or will he reject their help and retreat into self-doubt because of what he learns about himself?

Personal Note on Chapter 7: New Knowledge

I’m super excited about this chapter and would love any feedback you have on the direction I’m taking. I’ve finally pulled together a lot of clues I’ve hidden from throughout the series, even as far back as Tarragon Academy, and I would love to know what you think about it and if you have any suggestions for the future! I value your feedback highly and welcome any and all comments!

The Tarragon Series is a yaoi fantasy series about two young men struggling to find their place in a world where ancient ritual and modern technology collide and dragons have been spotted in the shadows of the mountain behind the football field.

In Tarragon World, Jamie and Scott are on the run from a deadly threat, but their only safety lies with the Elder and their enemies. As they struggle to unite the two campuses against the new threat, they worry that accepting the Elder’s help will lead to further death after the current threat is destroyed. All across the world, Tarragon society seems to be headed into civil war and risks exposure to the outside world. Will Jamie and Scott maintain control, or will the endless chaos finally topple their society and create a new world order?

Coming Next Tuesday

romance space opera
m/f space opera
This episodic novella explores the major events and relationships in Nami’s life as she learns to trust no one. But one man seems to remain true to her and she opens her heart to King Bertran. Will he be true to his word, or will she end up another casualty of the new galactic war?